Welcome to DriverNE
Your on-demand driver booking platform
About Us
Driver NE - On Demand Driver App
In today's fast-paced world, convenience and safety is of prime importance, especially when the sun goes down. Whether you're heading home after completing evening stuff at the office or planning a night out with friends, Driver N.E is here to revolutionize your evening commute. Say Goodbye to the worries of navigating unfamiliar routes at Guwahati, late-night public transportation or the struggle to find dependable designated drivers.
Driver N.E is here for you more than just a driver service app, it's your partner in ensuring safe, stress-free and comfortable rides during day and night hours.
We are glad to launch the first Driver's App of Assam with a commitment to provide the best facilities and top-notch services.
Driver N.E is here for you more than just a driver service app, it's your partner in ensuring safe, stress-free and comfortable rides during day and night hours. We are glad to launch the first Driver's App of Assam with a commitment to provide the best facilities and top-notch services. Driver NE is the biggest vehicle drivers network company providing driving services in guwahati for the personal and commercial vehicles. Customers can hire a car driver in guwahati for the incity or outstation on the basis of one way or round trip. Our team of drivers are professional and experienced for manual and automatic cars. Our team is available to drive and support 24/7 from guwahati to anywhere in india.
Read MoreReliability and Convenience
DriverNE provides a reliable and convenient way to get a ride whenever you need it. With our user-friendly app, you can book a driver at your convenience, and you'll know when your driver is on the way.
Safety First
Your safety is our top priority. We carefully screen and select drivers to ensure you have a safe and comfortable journey. You can also track your driver's location throughout the trip, giving you peace of mind.
Fair and Transparent Pricing
We offer competitive and transparent pricing. You'll know exactly what you'll pay before you start your trip. Our pricing includes a basic fare and hourly rates for both day and night trips. No hidden fees, just fair pricing.
Outstanding Service
We take pride in delivering excellent service. Our drivers are professional and dedicated to providing a high-quality experience. Additionally, our responsive customer support team is available to assist you with any questions or concerns.
KM Driven
Frequently Asked Questions
These are some of the common questions users may have when using the DriverNE app. If you have more specific questions or need further assistance, please don't hesitate to contact our support team.
1. What is DriverNE, and how does it work?
DriverNE is a platform that connects drivers with users who need transportation services. Users can book drivers for various purposes, and the nearest available driver accepts the order. The driver then goes to the user's location, and the trip begins.
2. How do I book a driver?
Open the DriverNE app, select your preferred options, and request a driver. The nearest available driver will be notified and can accept your order.
3. How do I know the driver is on the way?
Once a driver accepts your order, you can see their location on the app. The driver's location is shared with you during the entire trip.
4. Can I trust the drivers?
All drivers on DriverNE undergo a screening process. Users can also rate and review drivers after each trip, which helps maintain quality service.
5. How is the fare calculated?
The fare includes a basic fee plus an hourly rate. The hourly rate differs for day and night trips.
6. What happens when the trip is completed?
When the trip is done, the driver marks it as complete. At this point, the driver's location is no longer shared with you, and they can leave.
7. Is my location data secure?
Your location data is used for service purposes and is not shared with third parties. You can review our privacy policy for more details.
8. How do I contact DriverNE support?
You can contact our support team at driverneoffice@gmail.com for any inquiries, assistance, or support needs.
9. What happens if a driver doesn't accept my order?
If a driver doesn't accept your order, you can try again, and the app will find another available driver for you.
Download DriverNE Apps
User App
Download our DriverNE user app for free and experience convenience like never before!
Playstore App StoreDriver App
Download and sign up for the DriverNE driver app today to join our team of drivers and start earning money with ease. Your journey to convenient earnings begins here!
PlaystoreTake a look: এবাৰ চকু ফুৰাব:
- Driving Responsibility:
(চালকৰ কৰ্তব্য)
The driver's duty is strictly professional. Drivers are responsible for ensuring a safe and comfortable journey for passengers. চালকৰ কৰ্তব্য কেৱল যাত্ৰীক নিজৰ গন্তব্যস্থানলৈ সুকলমে লৈ যোৱা৷ - No Household Tasks:
Drivers are not expected to perform any additional household tasks for customers.
চালক গাড়ী চলোৱাৰ বাদে যাত্ৰীৰ অন্যান্য কোনো দায়িত্বৰ প্ৰতি বাধ্যতামূলকভাৱে দায়বদ্ধ নহয়৷ - Additional:
A Round trip from Guwahati to a Specific Place is fixed before the journey. Additional exploration beyond the designated route will be charged at ₹100 per hour.
গুৱাহাটীৰ পৰা যিকোনো এখন ওচৰৰ ঠাইলৈ যাত্ৰা এটা নিৰ্ণয় কৰিলে,তাৰ মূল্য পূৰ্বে স্থিৰ কৰি দিয়া হ’ব৷যদি তাৰ বাদেও যাত্ৰীয়ে অন্য ঠাই তাৰ লগত যোগ কৰে,তেন্তে তাৰবাবে প্ৰতি ঘন্টাত ১০০ টকা মূল্য বৃদ্ধি পাব৷
Driver NE
Disclaimer of Liability
DriverNE is a platform that connects users with the drivers.We facilitate the booking of driving services but do not provide these services ourselves.Once a user selects a driver, DriverNE is not responsible for any actions, conduct, or performance of the driver.
DriverNE এনে এক বিশেষ প্লেটফৰ্ম যিয়ে যাত্ৰী আৰু চালকৰ মাজত সংযোগ স্থাপন কৰে৷আমি বুকিংৰ সুবিধাহে কৰি দিওঁ,আমি নিজেই চালকসেৱা আগনবঢ়াওঁ৷যাত্ৰীজনে নিজৰ চালকজন নিৰ্ণয় কৰাৰ বাবে এই প্লেটফৰ্ম,ইয়াৰ পাছত DriverNE চালকজনৰ ব্যৱহাৰ আৰু অন্যান্য দিশসমূহৰ বাবে দায়বদ্ধ নহয়
Feel free to reach out to us for any assistance or support.
Sapta Sahid Path, Sarumotoria
Guwahati, Assam 781036
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Office Open Hours
Monday - Saturday
10:00AM - 06:00PM